Every Adventist educator is expected to earn and maintain NAD certification. This certification demonstrates a commitment both to provide students with educational experiences that are in harmony with the philosophy of Adventist education and to continue to grow professionally.
- Apply
- Renewal
- e-Cert
- Professional Learning - Non Academic
- Professional Learning - Academic
- Financial Assistance
Anyone (paid or volunteer) who is teaching one or more classes for a Seventh-day Adventist School in Canada must hold and maintain a valid SDA Teaching Certificate.
SDA Teacher Certification Application:
Applications to apply for SDA Teacher Certification.
- Application
This application form is for those applying that are full-time or part-time teachers or those teaching a core subject area (English, math, science, social studies, and religion). - Designated Subjects Certificate
The Designated Subjects/Services Certificate is issued to an individual who has demonstrated expertise in one or more non-core subject areas and who, by experience and training, can provide a valuable contribution to the educational program. The endorsed area(s) is/are indicated on the certificate. The designated subjects’ certificate is generally issued to part-time or temporary employees who meet the eligibility requirements and are filling a unique school need. This certificate needs to be recommended by the local conference office of education or Kingsway College President. - Additional Support Documents Required:
Government Issued ID (current legal name and Date of Birth)
Provincial Teaching Certificate (if applicable)
Verification of Previous PK-12 Teaching Experience
Official Transcripts from all colleges/universities attended - Official Transcript Acceptable Practices
- Verification of Previous PK-12 Teaching Experience
Please have your former employer(s) complete the attached document and submit to the SDACC Office of Education. Please note that substitute teaching experience does not qualify.
PK-12 Educators' Certification Manual:
- PK-12 Educators' Certification Manual (2023) (External Link)
Each certificate has their own upgrading or renewal requirements. Please see list below to see the renewal requirements for the type of certificate you hold.
Conditional Teaching Certificate:
A Conditional Teaching Certificate is issued to an applicant that does not meet the Basic Teaching Certificate requirements but has completed a minimum of a baccalaureate degree.
- The Conditional Teaching Certificate is valid for one (1) year. Renewal of the certificate requires 6 semester credits of academic credit during each contract year, until the requirements for the appropriate certificate is met.
Basic Teaching Certificate:
The Basic Teaching Certificate is the initial certificate issued to applicants who have completed an NAD-approved program or the requirements of the credit-based program.
- The Basic Teaching Certificate is the initial certificate issued to applicants who have completed an NAD-approved program or the requirements of the credit-based program. A Basic Teaching Certificate is valid for three years.
a. Approved Program
• Has been issued a Verification of Eligibility Certificate.
• Meets the General Eligibility Requirements.
b. Credit-Based Program
• Meets General Eligibility Requirements.
• Has completed 12-credits of religion courses taken in a Seventh-day Adventist college/university covering the following areas:
• Spirit of Prophecy
• Seventh-day Adventist Church history
• Seventh-day Adventist doctrines
• Biblical content studies (After a minimum of one biblical content course has been completed, other courses in religion relevant to the teacher education program may be taken.)
• Has completed course work in health principles as found in the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White.
• Has completed 20 semester academic credits in education, which may include methods course, 6 semester academic credits of the required courses taken in education must be taken within the five-year period prior to the date the Basic Teaching Certificate is issued. Required areas shall include:
• Principles and philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist education as based on the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White
• Developmental and educational psychology
• Classroom assessment strategies
• Exceptional children in the classroom
• Integration of educational technology in the classroom
• Student teaching, as prescribed by the college/university in which the teacher education program was completed (If the student teaching is not done in a Seventh-day Adventist school, structured experiences in a Seventh-day Adventist school are required elsewhere in the program.)
c. An applicant must qualify for an elementary or a secondary content area endorsement in addition to fulfilling the general requirements for the Basic Teaching Certificate.
d. Additional regular or specialty endorsements may be obtained at any time if the applicant has a current teaching certificate and the requirements for the endorsement are met.
Extension of the Basic Teaching Certificate
The Basic Teaching Certificate shall be valid for three years. If the teacher has not completed three years of teaching experience at the end of the initial three-year period, he/she may apply for an extension of the Basic Certificate for up to two years without taking additional course work.
Standard Teaching Certificate:
A Standard Teaching Certificate is issued for 5 years. Renewal requirements for a Standard Teaching Certificate.
- Renewal of a Standard Teaching Certificate requires ten (10) semester credits, meeting the following requirements:
• A minimum of four (4) semester credits of post-baccalaureate or graduate academic credit earned in an accredited institution
• An additional six (6) semester credits (180 clock hours) that may be taken as academic credit or the equivalent Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Please note that all course work or Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for renewal of the Standard Teaching Certificate must be completed during the five (5) years that the current certificate is valid except as provided for in 4.3.2 of the PK-12 Educators' Certification Manual.
If a certificate has been expired for two (2) or more years non-academic activities no longer count, and ten (10) semester hours of ACADEMIC coursework is required to reinstate the expired certificate. All work submitted for reinstatement of a Standard Teaching Certificate must be taken in the five-year period immediately prior to reinstatement of the certificate.
Professional Teaching Certificate:
A Professional Teaching Certificate is issued for 5 years.
- Renewal of a Professional certificate requires six (6) semester credits, which may be earned in the following ways:
• Completion of upper-division, post-baccalaureate, or graduate course work in professional education or area(s) of endorsement, or
• The equivalent (180 clock hours) Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or
• Any combination of the above
Please note that all credits submitted for renewal of the Professional Teaching Certificate must be completed during the five-year period immediately prior to renewal of the certificate, except as provided for in 4.3.2 of the PK-12 Educators' Certification Manual.
If a Professional Teaching Certificate has expired for two (2) or more years at least half of the required credits must be ACADEMIC credit (3) in appropriate professional education courses and/or in the area(s) of endorsement. The remaining credits may be taken in Continuing Education Units (CEU). All work submitted for reinstatement of a Professional Teaching Certificate must be taken in the five-year period immediately prior to reinstatement of the certificate.
eCert is the NAD site where teachers can view their current SDA Teacher Certification status report. Educators can access this site by logging in to the NAD Dashboard.
- NAD Dashboard
Once you log into the NAD Dashboard you can view your most recent SDA Teacher Certification status report by clicking on the eCert icon.
If you do not know your NAD Dashboard log in information please contact the SDACC Office of Education - education@adventist.ca. (External Link)
Renewal of an NAD certificate requires ongoing professional learning which are determined by the type of certificate. These requirements are listed in the renewal tab.
Below are links to various non-academic activities for teacher certification renewal.
Below are links to various non-academic activities for teacher certification renewal.
Professional Learning - Non Academic:
- Adventist Learning Community
Adventist Learning Community offers various courses for teachers to take for non-academic credit. Please make sure to filter 'Audience' to 'Teacher'. If you also filter under 'Search Options' to 'Simple K-12' you can view over 1000 Simple K-12 courses available. (External Link) - NAD Annual Professional Growth Book Lists
A Professional Growth Books List is published annually by the North American Division Office of Education. We encourage all educators to be life-long learners and believe that these books will help you toward that goal. (External Link) - NAD Professional Growth List - Submission Form
Please use this Submission Form to record the books that you read for the NAD Professional Growth Reading. This document must be uploaded as part of your CEU request on Adventist Learning Community. - Educational Travel Pre-Approval Form
This form is to be used for pre-approval for any Education Travel or Mission Trips that a teacher wants to report for Continuing Education Units. As per the K-12 Educators’ Certification Manual, a teacher may claim a maximum of 0.5 CEUs per day (5 clock hours), up to 3.0 CEUs total/year (30 clock hours). Pre-approval form must be submitted at least one month prior to departure. - Concept to Classroom
This site features a series of FREE, self-paced workshops covering a wide variety of hot topics in education. Some of the workshops are based in theory, some are based in methodology - but all of the workshops include plenty of tips and strategies for making classrooms work. (External Link)
Renewal of an NAD certificate requires ongoing professional learning which are determined by the type of certificate. These requirements are listed in the renewal tab.
Below are links to various accredited institutions that provide academic credit.
Below are links to various accredited institutions that provide academic credit.
Professional Learning - Academic:
- Burman University
Each summer Burman University offers teacher certification courses online. The tuition for these courses is covered by the SDACC Office of Education for approved teachers. (External Link) - Andrews University - Professional and Educational Partnerships (External Link)
- Professional Development Institute (External Link)
- Learners Edge
Learners Edge partners with highly respected colleges and universities in an effort to provide the most versatile and effective continuing education graduate credit courses for teachers. If you take a course for academic credit please make sure you take it from an accredited college/university. (External Link)
Below is a list of financial assistance that the SDACC Office of Education provides.
Financial Assistance (Basic Certification Courses):
Teachers that are lacking Basic Certification Courses may be eligible to complete them from Burman University or Andrews University. Please contact the SDACC Office of Education for further assistance.
- Burman University
Each summer Burman University provides Basic Teacher Certification courses. Course schedule and registration will be posted in Feb/March. Please check with your employer and the SDACC Office of Education regarding eligibility and what courses you should take. (External Link) - Andrews University
Andrews University offers Basic Certification Courses online throughout the school year. If you need a course please contact the SDACC Office of Education to see what is being offered and your employer for approval. (External Link)
Financial Assistance (Graduate Degree):
The SDACC has limited funding for the following master’s degrees taken at Andrews University:
Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Leadership, K-12
Special Education
Learning Technologies
Other: Principal Certificate Program
There is also limited funding available for degrees from other accredited universities that are not being offered by Andrews University as listed above. Applications will be considered on an individual basis based on the eligibility requirements and conditions.
Applications and required documents are due February 1st.
Curriculum & Instruction
Educational Leadership, K-12
Special Education
Learning Technologies
Other: Principal Certificate Program
There is also limited funding available for degrees from other accredited universities that are not being offered by Andrews University as listed above. Applications will be considered on an individual basis based on the eligibility requirements and conditions.
Applications and required documents are due February 1st.
- SDACC Graduate Degree Funding Request
The Graduate Degree Funding request is due to your employer by February 1st. - Course Plan Template
This document is required for those applying to take a graduate degree from another university other than Andrews University. - Graduate Study Contract - Memorandum of Agreement
This document is only for your review. A final MOA will be issued if you are approved for funding. Please do not submit this document with your funding request.
Financial Assistance (Doctoral Degree):
Recognizing the value of advanced training to the individual, to the local school and conference/boarding academy, and to the denomination in future service, the doctoral study assistance plan is made available for selected certificated education personnel. It is designed to encourage full-time educators to obtain a doctorate degree and is a cooperative effort with the employee, the employing organization, and the SDA Church in Canada.
Applications are due to your employer by February 1st.
Applications are due to your employer by February 1st.
- Doctoral Degree Funding Application
- Doctoral Study - Memoradum of Agreement
This document is only for your review. A final MOA will be issued if you are approved for funding. Please do not submit this document with your funding request. - Doctoral Degree Funding Re-Application